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Top selling products

Discover the pleasure of grilling in the kitchen

Why choose us


Spare parts in 72h


- 304 stainless steel
- 430 stainless steel
- 316 stainless steel


- BBQ 5 years
- Components 2 years


Contact us
0424 577838

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New Hybrid BBQ

Using both gas and coal, on the same BBQ?
From today, your dreams come true!

New! The hybrid BBQ, running on both gas and charcoal through the use of a handy stainless steel pan.
Simply place the stainless steel tray inside the BBQ, thanks to its interlocking design it will fit perfectly on the burners. Once the tray is inserted, coal can be placed inside, the burners underneath lit, and you are done.
Practical, fast and functional-what more could you want?

Specifications 304 vs 430 stainless steel.

The choice of steel on which we cook meat, vegetables, fish and foods in general is of paramount importance for the health of our bodies, which is why we at Planet Grill use stainless steel for our grills and cooking plates.

In barbecues (both gas and wood-fired) high temperatures are reached: this means that the chemical components from which the grill is made can release substances and metals that are absorbed by food, and thus digested, thestainless steel does not have these problems because to melt it must have a minimum temperature of 1450° so temperatures that are difficult if not impossible to achieve with a barbecue.

Cooking steels must be quality steels: be usable for cooking food, stable at high temperatures, and resistant to corrosion over time.

Planet Grill mainly uses 2 types of steel for barbecues and cooking grills: 304 stainless steel and 430 stainless steel.

Both304 steel and430 steel are among the steels that can be in contact with food, according to the Ministry of Health Decree of March 21, 1973.